- addDirectory
void addDirectory(FileIF directory, GTimeSpan minAge)
- addFile
void addFile(FileIF file, GTimeSpan minAge)
- addGlob
void addGlob(FileIF directory, string glob, GTimeSpan minAge)
- addOnRemoveFile
gulong addOnRemoveFile(void delegate(FileIF, DirectoryReaper) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags = cast(ConnectFlags)0)
The "remove-file" signal is emitted for each file that is removed by the
#DzlDirectoryReaper instance. This may be useful if you want to show the
user what was processed by the reaper.
- execute
bool execute(Cancellable cancellable)
- executeAsync
void executeAsync(Cancellable cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData)
- executeFinish
bool executeFinish(AsyncResultIF result)
- getDirectoryReaperStruct
DzlDirectoryReaper* getDirectoryReaperStruct(bool transferOwnership = false)
- getStruct
void* getStruct()
the main Gtk struct as a void*