Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
This creates a new #DzlPropertiesGroup to create stateful actions around properties in @object.
This creates a new #DzlPropertiesGroup for which the initial object is %NULL.
This function will try to add all properties found on the target instance to the group. Only properties that are supported by the #DzlPropertiesGroup will be added.
Adds a new stateful action named @name which maps to the underlying property @property_name of #DzlPropertiesGroup:object.
Adds a new stateful action named @name which maps to the underlying property @property_name of #DzlPropertiesGroup:object.
Get the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Removes an action from @self that was previously added with dzl_properties_group_add_property(). @name should match the name parameter to that function.
the main Gtk struct