- append
void append(Settings settings)
- bind
void bind(string key, void* object, string property, GSettingsBindFlags flags)
- bindWithMapping
void bindWithMapping(string key, void* object, string property, GSettingsBindFlags flags, GSettingsBindGetMapping getMapping, GSettingsBindSetMapping setMapping, void* userData, GDestroyNotify destroy)
Creates a new binding similar to g_settings_bind_with_mapping() but applying
from the resolved value via the settings sandwich.
- getBoolean
bool getBoolean(string key)
- getDefaultValue
Variant getDefaultValue(string key)
- getDouble
double getDouble(string key)
- getInt
int getInt(string key)
- getSettingsSandwichStruct
DzlSettingsSandwich* getSettingsSandwichStruct(bool transferOwnership = false)
- getString
string getString(string key)
- getStruct
void* getStruct()
the main Gtk struct as a void*
- getUint
uint getUint(string key)
- getUserValue
Variant getUserValue(string key)
- getValue
Variant getValue(string key)
- setBoolean
void setBoolean(string key, bool val)
- setDouble
void setDouble(string key, double val)
- setInt
void setInt(string key, int val)
- setString
void setString(string key, string val)
- setUint
void setUint(string key, uint val)
- setValue
void setValue(string key, Variant value)
- unbind
void unbind(string property)