- addCommand
void addCommand(string accelerator, string command)
- addContext
void addContext(ShortcutContext context)
- addCssResource
void addCssResource(string path)
- findContextByName
ShortcutContext findContextByName(string name)
Gets the context named @name. If the context does not exist, it will
be created.
- findDefaultContext
ShortcutContext findDefaultContext(Widget widget)
Finds the default context in the theme for @widget.
- getChordForAction
ShortcutChord getChordForAction(string detailedActionName)
- getChordForCommand
ShortcutChord getChordForCommand(string command)
- getName
string getName()
- getParent
ShortcutTheme getParent()
If the #DzlShortcutTheme:parent-name property has been set, this will fetch
the parent #DzlShortcutTheme.
- getParentName
string getParentName()
Gets the name of the parent shortcut theme.
- getShortcutThemeStruct
DzlShortcutTheme* getShortcutThemeStruct(bool transferOwnership = false)
- getStruct
void* getStruct()
the main Gtk struct as a void*
- getSubtitle
string getSubtitle()
- getTitle
string getTitle()
- loadFromData
bool loadFromData(string data, ptrdiff_t len)
- loadFromFile
bool loadFromFile(FileIF file, Cancellable cancellable)
- loadFromPath
bool loadFromPath(string path, Cancellable cancellable)
- removeCssResource
void removeCssResource(string path)
- saveToFile
bool saveToFile(FileIF file, Cancellable cancellable)
- saveToPath
bool saveToPath(string path, Cancellable cancellable)
- saveToStream
bool saveToStream(OutputStream stream, Cancellable cancellable)
- setAccelForAction
void setAccelForAction(string detailedActionName, string accel, DzlShortcutPhase phase)
- setAccelForCommand
void setAccelForCommand(string command, string accel, DzlShortcutPhase phase)
This will set the command to execute when @accel is pressed. If command is
%NULL, the accelerator will be cleared. If accelerator is %NULL, all
accelerators for @command will be cleared.
- setChordForAction
void setChordForAction(string detailedActionName, ShortcutChord chord, DzlShortcutPhase phase)
- setChordForCommand
void setChordForCommand(string command, ShortcutChord chord, DzlShortcutPhase phase)
This will set the command to execute when @chord is pressed. If command is
%NULL, the accelerator will be cleared. If @chord is %NULL, all
accelerators for @command will be cleared.
- setParentName
void setParentName(string parentName)