- addOnActivate
gulong addOnActivate(void delegate(string, SimplePopover) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags = cast(ConnectFlags)0)
This signal is emitted when the popover's forward button is activated.
Connect to this signal to perform your forward progress.
- addOnChanged
gulong addOnChanged(void delegate(SimplePopover) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags = cast(ConnectFlags)0)
This signal is emitted when the entry text changes.
- addOnInsertText
gulong addOnInsertText(bool delegate(uint, string, uint, SimplePopover) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags = cast(ConnectFlags)0)
Use this signal to determine if text should be allowed to be inserted
into the text buffer. Return GDK_EVENT_STOP to prevent the text from
being inserted.
- getButtonText
string getButtonText()
- getMessage
string getMessage()
- getReady
bool getReady()
- getSimplePopoverStruct
DzlSimplePopover* getSimplePopoverStruct(bool transferOwnership = false)
- getStruct
void* getStruct()
the main Gtk struct as a void*
- getText
string getText()
- getTitle
string getTitle()
- setButtonText
void setButtonText(string buttonText)
- setMessage
void setMessage(string message)
- setReady
void setReady(bool ready)
- setText
void setText(string text)
- setTitle
void setTitle(string title)