- addAction
void addAction(string detailedActionName, string section, string group, string title, string subtitle)
- addCommand
void addCommand(string command, string section, string group, string title, string subtitle)
- addOnChanged
gulong addOnChanged(void delegate(ShortcutManager) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags = cast(ConnectFlags)0)
- addShortcutEntries
void addShortcutEntries(DzlShortcutEntry[] shortcuts, string translationDomain)
This method will add @shortcuts to the #DzlShortcutManager.
- addShortcutsToWindow
void addShortcutsToWindow(ShortcutsWindow window)
Adds shortcuts registered with the #DzlShortcutManager to the
- appendSearchPath
void appendSearchPath(string directory)
- getShortcutManagerStruct
DzlShortcutManager* getShortcutManagerStruct(bool transferOwnership = false)
- getStruct
void* getStruct()
the main Gtk struct as a void*
- getTheme
ShortcutTheme getTheme()
Gets the "theme" property.
- getThemeByName
ShortcutTheme getThemeByName(string themeName)
Locates a theme by the name of the theme.
- getThemeName
string getThemeName()
- getUserDir
string getUserDir()
- handleEvent
bool handleEvent(GdkEventKey* event, Widget toplevel)
This function will try to dispatch @event to the proper widget and
#DzlShortcutContext. If the event is handled, then %TRUE is returned.
- prependSearchPath
void prependSearchPath(string directory)
- queueReload
void queueReload()
- reload
void reload(Cancellable cancellable)
- removeSearchPath
void removeSearchPath(string directory)
- setTheme
void setTheme(ShortcutTheme theme)
Sets the theme for the shortcut manager.
- setThemeName
void setThemeName(string themeName)
- setUserDir
void setUserDir(string userDir)